Fruit, bier & wijn
Van de bloesems in de lente tot de appel- en perenpluk in het najaar. Vanaf april tot oktober staat Haspengouw in het teken van fruit.
In de nazomer is het de moeite waard om naar Haspengouw af te zakken. De boomgaarden die in het voorjaar nog prachtige bloesems droegen, hangen nu boordevol plukrijpe appels en peren. Er heerst een bedrijvigheid tussen de bomen om de oogst van dit jaar tijdig binnen te krijgen. Ook de wijnbouwers gaan vanaf eind augustus aan de pluk in hun wijngaarden.
Zo zijn er verschillende fruit-activiteiten door heen het jaar, georganiseerd door verschillende bedrijven en producenten. Wat je natuurlijk ook het ganse jaar door kan doen is het verkennen van onze mooie wandel- en fietsroutes. Ontdek hier enkele mooie fietsroutes langs bloesem-/fruitwegen.
April is het startschot voor de fruitstreek. Dan komen de bloesems aan de fruitbomen. En vanaf dan is er een grote bedrijvigheid in de Haspengouwse boomgaarden. In de zomer zijn de kersen klaar voor de pluk, vanaf eind augustus kunnen de appelen en peren van de bomen gehaald worden. In deze periode zijn er tal van fruitige activiteiten die niet alleen wandelaars en fietsers, maar ook levensgenieters en rustzoekers naar het zuiden van Limburg brengen.
Krijg je graag persoonlijk advies over interessante bloesemactiviteiten of wandelingen? Vraag dan zeker meer uitleg aan onze gastheer of raadpleeg de gratis en/of betalende gidsen in onze receptie!
Kunstenares des Huizes
Kunstenares des Huizes
Kunstenares des Huizes
Adults only (+16)
Fruit, beer & wine
From the blossoms in spring to the apple and pear picking in autumn. From April to October, Haspengouw is all about fruit.
In the late summer, it is worthwhile descending to Haspengouw. The orchards, which in spring still bore beautiful blossoms, are now brimming with apples and pears that are ready for picking. There is a bustle among the trees to get this year's harvest in on time. From the end of August, the winegrowers also start picking from their vineyards.
There are various fruit activities throughout the year, organised by different companies and producers. What you can also do all year round is to explore our beautiful hiking and cycling routes. Discover here some beautiful cycling routes along blossom/fruit roads. Need a break? Then stop by the Alfonsinehoeve for a nice, artisanal ice cream!
April is the starting signal for the fruit region. That is when the blossoms come out on the fruit trees. And from then on, there is a lot of activity in the Haspengouw orchards. In the summer, the cherries are ready for picking and from the end of August, the apples and pears can be picked from the trees. In this period, there are numerous fruity activities that bring not only hikers and cyclists, but also bon vivants and those looking for peace and quiet to the south of Limburg.
Would you like personal advice on interesting blossom activities or walks? Then be sure to ask our host for more information or consult the free and/or paying guides in our reception!

The rolling landscape and good soil ensure that wine growing can be done in various places in Limburg. These Limburg wines are of an absolute top quality within Belgium. Who here is in the mood for a little wine? Take a look at this website to discover all the wine domains in Limburg. The domains closest to our B&B are Wijndomein Kitsberg, Domein Hoenshof/Jerom Winery en Clos les Ramiers.
Since we are a local trader ourselves, we find it extremely important to cooperate with other local traders. For example, you can find delicious white wines from Kitsberg, fantastic red wines from Hoenshof and excellent rosé wines from Clos les Ramiers on our menu.

Finally, Limburg is also known for its delicious beers. Belgium is the country of beer and if a pint is tapped with love, we can taste that immediately. Our beer culture has been declared a world heritage site for a reason. In Limburg too, you can happily hop between different breweries. In one of our many distilleries, you can then let all those delicious beers sink in with a drink. Are you coming to meet our VIBs (Very Important Brewers)?
Just like the Haspengouw wines, we also offer various Limburg beers in our fridges. Not sure which beer to choose? No problem at all! Just ask the host or the wife and daughter of the house for advice.