Fruit, bier & wijn
Van de bloesems in de lente tot de appel- en perenpluk in het najaar. Vanaf april tot oktober staat Haspengouw in het teken van fruit.
In de nazomer is het de moeite waard om naar Haspengouw af te zakken. De boomgaarden die in het voorjaar nog prachtige bloesems droegen, hangen nu boordevol plukrijpe appels en peren. Er heerst een bedrijvigheid tussen de bomen om de oogst van dit jaar tijdig binnen te krijgen. Ook de wijnbouwers gaan vanaf eind augustus aan de pluk in hun wijngaarden.
Zo zijn er verschillende fruit-activiteiten door heen het jaar, georganiseerd door verschillende bedrijven en producenten. Wat je natuurlijk ook het ganse jaar door kan doen is het verkennen van onze mooie wandel- en fietsroutes. Ontdek hier enkele mooie fietsroutes langs bloesem-/fruitwegen.
April is het startschot voor de fruitstreek. Dan komen de bloesems aan de fruitbomen. En vanaf dan is er een grote bedrijvigheid in de Haspengouwse boomgaarden. In de zomer zijn de kersen klaar voor de pluk, vanaf eind augustus kunnen de appelen en peren van de bomen gehaald worden. In deze periode zijn er tal van fruitige activiteiten die niet alleen wandelaars en fietsers, maar ook levensgenieters en rustzoekers naar het zuiden van Limburg brengen.
Krijg je graag persoonlijk advies over interessante bloesemactiviteiten of wandelingen? Vraag dan zeker meer uitleg aan onze gastheer of raadpleeg de gratis en/of betalende gidsen in onze receptie!
Kunstenares des Huizes
Kunstenares des Huizes
Kunstenares des Huizes
Adults only (+16)
Dining packages
Are you a real foodie and would you like to enjoy good food close to home? Then you've come to the right place! Our chef has more than 30 years of experience and prepares each dish with a great deal of passion. Below are the different dining packages that our B&B offers, each with their own conditions. Be sure to check how many days in advance you need to order your dining package; since we work with fresh products, we also need the time to go to the shop. All packages (except the tapas package) are only available per full table. On Wednesdays and Sundays we do not serve dinner.
Due to the small scale of our accommodation and the principle of a communal guest table, we are unfortunately unable to meet all dietary requirements and restrictions concerning breakfast or dinner.
This arrangement is valid all year round, but not on Wednesdays and Sundays. A reservation is required at least 3 days before your stay. Do not forget to mention in your reservation that you wish to include the "DINNER ARRANGEMENT" in your stay. If you book this arrangement, you must arrive within the check-in hours (3.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.). This arrangement can be combined with and other arrangements of our B&B.
The joint dinner starts at 6.30 p.m. and includes: an aperitif, soup or salad, main course, dessert and coffee or tea.
Is the normal dinner arrangement a bit too elaborate? Then we also offer a mini dinner arrangement. This shortened version contains: an aperitif, main course and coffee or tea. For this arrangement, the same conditions apply as for the dinner arrangement. When making your reservation, do not forget to mention that you wish to book the "MINI DINNER ARRANGEMENT".
Cold tapas plate (for 2 persons)
This arrangement is valid all year round. A reservation is required at least one day before your stay. Do not forget to mention in your reservation that you wish to add the "COLD TAPAS ARRANGEMENT" to your stay. This arrangement can be combined with and other arrangements of our B&B.
Do you want that little bit more? Then book the "COLD TAPAS ARRANGEMENT WITH CAVA"!
Quick bite
This arrangement is not valid during the months of April and May and during the other months on Wednesdays and Sundays. A reservation is required at least 3 days before your stay. When making your reservation, do not forget to mention that you wish to add the "QUICK BITE PACKAGE" to your stay. If you book this package, you must arrive within the check-in hours (3.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.). This packagecan be combined with and other arrangements of our B&B.
The joint dinner starts at 6.30 p.m. and contains: spaghetti Bolognaise with bread or a farmer's omelette with bread.
Dinner package
Mini dinner package
Cold tapas package
Cold tapas package with cava
Quick bite package
€42 per person
€30 per person
€13 per 2 persons
€23 per 2 persons
€13 per person